Sunday, August 03, 2008

Baby's First Levi's

Baby donned on his first Levi’s today. Funny but I certainly got emotional over it. Hehehe. Since he was just a few month’s old, Baby had already been wearing denim pants. To digress a little, it’s really amazing how babies’ clothes have changed over time. There are simply a lot of things available in the market today. One can even find miniskirts for newborn baby girls these days. Amazing.

Anyway, Baby had his first Guess jeans when he was two years old. It was a gift from Candy. But Levi’s is something different I guess. It represents a lot of things to me. For one, I grew up knowing it was Papa’s preferred brand of pants. In college, there was a time when it had also become a fashion statement. And I got into this stage wherein I wouldn’t wear any other pants but Levi’s. I remember owning up to 6 pairs at one time. And it did not come easy because even then a pair was already pretty much expensive. Good thing there are times when Mama would be pretty generous and would buy me a pair.

Seeing Baby donning on his first pair evoked in me mixed emotions. It’s as if it drove home to me the point that pretty soon Baby would be all grown up he’d have his own say where his clothes is concerned. Next year he’ll be entering play school and maybe before I knew it he’ll be entering college. By then it’ll be his turn to “urge” his Nanay to buy him a pair of Levi’s. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha gi himo nag model sa pantalon c bolits :p
