Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Happiest birthday, Tatay

So the kids called me up so we could wake Tatay up for his birthday today. We found him sprawled up in bed. Beside him are some of his stocks that he's preparing for this weekend's activity.

But he did blow his candles and accepted and returned the children's kisses.

We love you, Tatay. Every year my wish and prayer is that you would finally be able to define your dreams. These days, you seem to be well on your way to pursuing them. And as always, here's re-affirming my commitment that I would always be here for you.

I'll be here to hold your hand and walk beside you as you pursue your dreams. I could be behind your back to push and prod you along; In front, to pull, guide and hopefully to inspire as well.

I am and always will be your greatest fan, coach, lover and partner. It took me awhile to realise it but yes, now I am committing myself to trying my very best to love you as your authentic self and not some idealised vision of what a husband, partner or father should be.

It is my wish that you would always feel free to express your truest, most loving self; know that I got your back; and that I would be here to help you along as you journey towards your own becoming. It's still a bit of a struggle, making sure that you only come from the position of love. But I am here so we could help each other do just that.

Freedom. Authenticity. Truth. Love.

I love you, hurot2x, Tatay!