Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Co-Parenting a Son

Pre-script: Titled this initially as "Parenting a Son" but yeah, the truth is I'm co-parenting.  I'm not here on my own, it's a shared responsibility by Tatay and I.  And yeah, while I may be stuck with my own "brand" of parenting, I certainly do not have the monopoly of "doing the right thing" where parenting our children is concerned.  Tatay is such an able partner and father.  He's one of those modern Dads who don't mind taking on some roles normally relegated to "mothers" just to be Dad to his children and I appreciate him a lot for that.  This incident actually happened a few weeks back.  Just able to finish this last night and posted it now.

It's been a while since I reflected upon and wrote something about parenthood.  Well, it's been a while since I wrote my last entry here for that matter.  The incident this morning however made me realize I should really set aside time to do so, if only to give me time to detach myself from "breaking point" situations and gain a better perspective of things. Also, I remember how at one point, my journal had been so full of my thoughts and realizations about parenthood and the almost day-to-day account of "aha" and "hmm-moments" where parenting is concerned.    And as such, it’s like chronicling also my relationship with my son and how it changed over time.  It makes me think it might be something I’d love to revisit once my son would enter that “barkada phase” wherein no amount of cajoling would make him want to spend time with me. 

Anyway, as hubby accused me this morning, I take parenthood a tad too seriously.  Well, I take my responsibilities seriously and I just happen to think that from among the many "responsibilities" entrusted in my care to date, parenthood tops the list.  So yeah, I know where he is coming from and I do feel I need to have a sit-down session with “me” just to check whether or not I'm being way over the top.

It all started with a letter from school asking if Dad's could participate in a basketball tournament of sorts.  Yeah, Tatay plays football.  He'd played it all his life so he feels inept where basketball is concerned.  I forgot about that tiny detail.  What I saw with that letter was an opportunity for him to further foster his relationship with his son.  

I've been "somewhat" pushing him to spend more time with his son.  While I try to be a good parent as I can be, I know I can only do so much for my son. Eventually, it's his father's influence that would spell a big difference in his life.  And so the "pushing."  It's not that Tatay doesn't spend time with Rod, he does. In fact, it's him who picks up Rod from school every day.  He drives Rod in the morning as well but I'm usually there and it's more of a mom-and-son-time than theirs.  And yet to me, that isn't enough.  

When Rod turned 7, we had such elaborate plans for it, marking it as ushering him into "manhood."  He and Tatay went mountain climbing (Rod's first) at the crack of dawn on his birthday.    They even had an exchange of  matching “friendship bonds” when they got to the peak to mark the event.  What I envisioned to happen after that was that Tatay and Rod would have a regular “man –thing.”  But as it was, managing two stores got in the way.  My own hectic schedule did not help things any. Whatever sychro-schedule we do manage to get, we spend catching up as an entire family.  In short, there never was that just-him-and-Rod special moment.  And then that basketball-for-school thing happened.

So we got into this vacuum conversation this morning.  Vacuum, because I was putting forward my argument, bent on getting what I want and focused only on what I thought would be good for “my” son.  Tatay on the other hand was being truthful about basketball not being his thing and how he doesn’t want to make a fool of himself, getting into something he’s totally inept at.  In other words, we were not really making a connection.  We were both blind to the other’s point but our own.  So in truth, we weren’t really hearing each other.  Our ears respectively were tuned in only to hearing the other’s assent.  Getting neither, our argument continued.

As is often the case with me where this is concerned, I got emotional.  To me, at that point, everything else is secondary (if not irrelevant) to Rod’s getting that “manhood apprenticeship” from his own Dad.  At one point I got so frustrated I underlined to Tatay how serious parenting is to me and how it’s a consideration for every decision I had to make.  I emphasized as a mother I can only do so much for our son who is growing up fast every day.  In an outburst I said that if only I could grow a p***$ and manufacture testosterone for myself then I would and take on that role for my son.  That’s when he threw in that “me and parenting tad too seriously” line.

Looking back, Tatay of course has a point.  Asking him to play basketball in front of an entire school community is really pushing him up a wall.  True, I got a point as well but yeah, it’s starting to dawn on me that surely Tatay doesn’t have to go through lengths of embarrassing himself in front of a huge crowd.  Besides, that would also embarrass his son and not helping my cause at all.  And I am really sorry for having missed this point. It wasn't fair of me. Aside from being a mother, I am a partner also and ought to be mindful of his feelings and point of view as well.

There was a stage in my past wherein I considered my being too cerebral (translation: over-think things too much!) as somewhat of a curse but yeah, I’d take that anytime than go through life, half-blind, if at all “awake.”  Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned things a bit and learned to disregard wasteful thoughts (unnecessary fears, “projections” and other things that are really beyond my control) and just stick with what really matters.  So yeah, right now I appreciate the fact that I think things over, and that I afford myself some “breathing/brain space” to think things through.  I would like to believe and take comfort that by doing so, I ensure that I arrive at decisions that are most loving and just for all concerned.  But of course, all of these come hand-in-hand with prayer, meditation and being still...  Thank you, God. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So Much

My being OC about completing a task I've started made me hesitate about leaving the store's books 'unbalanced' to attend to Forest's sleeping ritual.  Good thing wisdom prevailed and I was able to attend to her needs and also ended up introducing her to that 'Cat in the Hat.'  I tried to keep the reading animated and more interactive, knowing her tendency to turn her back on me and sleep while we're still in the middle of a story. 

For the first time, she was able to see the entire story through.  Soon after she moved to her usual sleeping position --  flat on her tummy with her face turned away from me.  But very distinctly I heard her whisper sleepily, "So much, Nay... Love you so much."

I'd take on extended hours of balancing the books anytime if only to hear her say that again... Thank you, God for making it possible (despite my many roles) for me to spend quality time with my little one.  Thank you for the sustained strength and the guiding Presence that allows me to choose wisely every time...

Friday, July 05, 2013

The Orbital Blog

Pre-post note:  While it hasn't become a "tradition" yet, I do try my best to come up with a birthday blog because it gives me the opportunity to take stock of how I've been leading my life and how far along am I in my journey towards the unfolding of my truth...  The post below was done on the eve of this year's birthday.  In the middle of a very big event, I was grateful to have found the time to sit down, get in touch with my feelings and pen them down...

03 July 2013
11:30 PM
Working on a birthday. I remember a few weeks back how I was mulling the possibility of taking a birthday leave. Was really very busy lately, with quite a hectic travel schedule also thrown in the mix. I figured, I earned 3-day leave credits from having my field visits fall on a holiday and 2 weekend days. I might as well claim at least a day.

Yet, here I am, on the eve of my birthday, just wrapped up a press release article for tomorrow and making a list of the things that needed to be addressed by tomorrow as well. But, I'm not complaining one bit. If anything, thinking about the whole thing got me started on the process of counting my blessings.

For Peace. The activity in question is a "Peace" Summit. I feel privileged to have been given a chance to be a part of it. That I am making a contribution, albeit minute, underlines to me how I wouldn't want to live my life in any other way. Again, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude, thinking about my life and my work that gives me the opportunity to pursue my own passions, beliefs and things that I feel lend more meaning to who I am.

Indeed, I have a lot to be grateful for. This afternoon, while I was busy attending to my task it suddenly dawned on me that some of my closest friends and the recent acquaintances who have come to mean so much are also pursuing the same passion, pushing for the same advocacy, giving so much of themselves to the same causes I also believe in. Sitting there, I suddenly realized how at that very instant I am surrounded with persons who had done and are still doing so much for peace in Mindanao.

It felt good to hear the "veterans" talk.  It is inspiring to realize that they have been in this "struggle" the longest and must have faced countless defeat and disappointments and yet they do not sound jaded at all. If anything the message I hear from them is: "Let us go on!  Let us continue working for peace. Something needs to be done. Let us be proactive and leave nothing to chance.  Let us make things happen!"  Ah, such indefatigable spirit.

And so I count another blessing.  Truly Mindanao is a land of promise.  Personally, more than a promise, Mindanao is a land of dreams.  It is where dreams are made... dreams and longing for peace and better quality of life for every Mindanaoans -- women, men and children...

That I was born and raised amidst the richness of its culture, the bountifulness of its natural wealth and the beauty of its people (such steadfast, earnest people with so much love and passion for nature, for community, for truth...), is such a blessing indeed.  As any Mindanaoan, the land helped shape who I am, what my beliefs and values are, and the things I want to pursue.

God... Abba... Father... truly You have given me so much.  Looking back on how my life was and how it is shaping to be, I feel Your loving presence in every step of the way.  Even on my trying moments I never felt forsaken. I feel Your gentle nudging and constant guidance.  For that, I could not thank You enough.

Thank You for the quality of friendships and relationships You've gifted me with.  Such genuine, loving souls, You've surrounded me.  I could not count with my hands all the people who have loved, inspired and taught me to be the person that I am now.  They manifest to me Your loving, nurturing presence.

It is such a wonderful, wonderful journey, Lord.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Posts that never got finished: On Leaving 2011 Behind (My thoughts on my work)

I stumbled across several entries saved as "drafts" that I never really had a chance to complete for one reason or another.  Below is one of them.  I think I attempted to write my "new-yearly" blogs but got distracted or too busy to ever complete it.  I felt the need to post it so I would be reminded of how I feel about my work... of working... 

It still surprises me, reading this now, how much value I put into what I do and into being able to make a contribution. Reading this now, I am once again reminded about the things that I value and how differently I "operate."  I put so much premium in finding meaning in everything and I'm sure it could be both a boon and a bane.  It is good to be reminded by this.  So... as I again try to find my center... I can be reminded why I make the choices that I do and why I act a certain way and to try to find my truth amidst it all.

Two days from now and it's another year. 2011 would probably be my busiest (judging from the two entry I've only managed to pen down this year). It's as if I just buzzed through this year, having a lot of things to do. Foremost, I'm a Mom to a daughter who just turned one this year and juggling a career on top of that.

Funny at how I hesitate at having to use the word, "career." To me the word connotes something external, that one actively pursues to gain other people's approval or something. It leaves a bad taste to my mouth, somewhat. My work, the one that I do, is to me something very personal. It is something that is very much a part of "me." To me, my work is not something that I do from without but something that I get involved in, to further shape what's within...

There may be times that I complain about being tired but in truth, I love to work. I love being productive and being able to contribute to a bigger cause out there. While my family may be very important to me, being able to work afford me with another great opportunity for self-expression. In other words, my work helps define who I am and a great deal at that because it allows me to utilize my talents and build my skill on a lot of things. But then, I digress once again.

What I'm really trying to point out is that... 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Finding Center

Wanting to be somewhere else but not knowing exactly where...
Present and wandering all at once...
Rooted and yet yearning...
Centered but diffused just the same...
Calm and accepting... and yet also reaching out...
Steady and stretched, all in a bundle...

I miss... you.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Rod, who is ever entrepreneurial, is at it again. When I told him to find ways this summer to grow his travel savings, he proudly told me they made and sold ice candy earlier today. 

I congratulated him on his 6-peso earnings only to be aghast at finding out they made use of our organic cocoa drink which sells at 100++ peso per small bottle. Lugi ang negosyo! Hehe But saluting the entrepreneurial spirit just the same