Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So Much

My being OC about completing a task I've started made me hesitate about leaving the store's books 'unbalanced' to attend to Forest's sleeping ritual.  Good thing wisdom prevailed and I was able to attend to her needs and also ended up introducing her to that 'Cat in the Hat.'  I tried to keep the reading animated and more interactive, knowing her tendency to turn her back on me and sleep while we're still in the middle of a story. 

For the first time, she was able to see the entire story through.  Soon after she moved to her usual sleeping position --  flat on her tummy with her face turned away from me.  But very distinctly I heard her whisper sleepily, "So much, Nay... Love you so much."

I'd take on extended hours of balancing the books anytime if only to hear her say that again... Thank you, God for making it possible (despite my many roles) for me to spend quality time with my little one.  Thank you for the sustained strength and the guiding Presence that allows me to choose wisely every time...

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