Saturday, May 09, 2015

Safety Issues

The other day, we had a bit of plastic balloon day. It was brief since I spent the morning in the office.

Tonight, Rod and I had an interesting conversation. He "scolded" me for not being mindful about the bedroom's lock. 

A few week's back, Tatay had to destroy it since Forest got locked up inside while sleeping. We haven't found the time to replace it yet. Since Tatay is out for the night, the role of "man of the house" got delegated to him once again. And he takes that role very seriously. He double-checked all locks and thus lamented the fact we don't have one for the bedroom. When I told him I was not able to prioritize it because I recently got hospitalized and then there's the ongoing construction of our dining room extension, he wailed, "But what is more important, a beautiful house or our own safety?!" Huh! Where is that coming from? :p

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