Monday, January 20, 2020

Drawing Strength

I was reading a very difficult document, Lord. It wasn’t difficult in the sense that it was badly written and thus difficult to understand.  On the opposite, it was well written.  It was difficult because it was about my work and the direction it is going to take.  It is difficult because my work is also my passion.  It is difficult because given all that, it would seem as if my life and future is hinging on it. 

And then You came blaring into my headphones.  And I just knew everything will be alright.  I know there are a lot of uncertainties up ahead. And I admit there are moments I become unsettled as well.  There are times, I would find myself worrying about the future too.  I mean, it if it is just me, I am not really that scared.  But put the children into the picture and then my usual peace and calm wavers.

“Humble King, holy One; Friend of sinners, God's own Son; God in flesh among men
You walked my road; You understand…” blared through my speakers… followed by, “Christ is enough for me…” I must say I am not as “religious” as I used to be but yes, definitely still “spiritual.”  I wouldn’t be able to carry all that I had to carry particularly last year, Lord if that wasn’t so. 

We’re making a big move soon, Lord and that occupies like 65% of my thoughts. Which apartment, which schools, how would we manage the expenses here with the payables back home as well... And then there’s this ongoing conversation around uncertainties at work…

But yes, thank You for finding me yet again today just when I was about to worry about uncertainties, you came blaring in reminding me of Your promises. I cling to that.

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