Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I'm Raising Good Children

I must admit there were a lot of instances of late that made me doubt that.  Seeing Rod's pre-occupation with his phone; his temper, answering back, throwing a tantrum and I'm beginning to think the opposite -- that Rod is turning out to be a horrible person; disrespectful and self-centred.  And then tonight, we picked Mama Fely up from her house.

Mama Fely called us up saying Mia and Eman has gone with their Mom and that there's only her and Nonon.  We urged her to just come and sleep with us here at the house for tonight.  As usual, she refused.  We compromised. We said we'd pick her up instead for dinner.  That way, I can also proceed with "bathing her in oils" (translation: haplas). 

I had some calls so while I got started with the "oil anointing," I had to stop.  I urged Rod to take over.  He was in a middle of an online game so I was expecting some "strong" resistance.  Instead, he put down his phone and spent a deal of time giving her Lola Fely massage.  It started with a back rub but I could tell he was doing it really well. It wasn't a "compliant" act at all, which was what I was afraid of.  I thought he would do a quick rub and then go back to his phone and his game.  Instead, he was really into it, talking to his Lola as well.  At one point, he stopped but only to put on "Moon River" and other old songs for his Lola Fely.  He then continued with the massage, accommodating Lola's request on rubbing it here or there, without complaint.  After a while, Forest joined.  They took one leg each and did a proper massage.  Ate Janin meanwhile was helping in preparing dinner.  We had imbao soup and some camote tops salad. 

Indeed, despite our "parenting a teenage dramas" of late, the kids are growing up with a good heart. It's there somewhere, beating warm and thoughtful, hidden amidst all these teenage angst and confusion. 

I'm hoping and praying they would trust me enough to listen to my "promptings" and urging (translation: nagging) and know deep down that I have nothing but their best interest at heart.

Thank you, God.

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