Monday, May 21, 2018

Running Home

Remembering how at this time, three years ago, I was busy preparing our memory bank at home. It was for my first trip for work away from home. The lengths we go through as absentee parents. It's always a challenge but there are always creative ways to bridge the distance. It, of course, does not measure much esp. in comparison to being physically there -- being able to touch, hug, kiss, soothe... I'm still being pulled from both directions and often, I question my choices... But, at the same time, I also feel that I am meant to be where I am and where I find myself to be... So I walk (albeit reluctantly most times), follow where I am being called... give the whole of me... and just run right back to where open arms, wet kisses, gurgling laughter are waiting for me.. I'm running now (delayed flights and long overlays notwithstanding)..

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