Monday, September 30, 2019

Such is Your Way

Rehabilitating Mama's orchids before settling down to work. Such is your way Mama - you never took me aside to give me a step by step lecture on how to grow orchids. You taught by example. You and your handy pliers, puttering around my little yard. You showing up after a weekend from your house, bringing along some seedlings, or all those Kadyawan agri fairs, looking at orchids and plants of all sorts and then buying some for the house.

I remember how we would often look longingly at the expensive vanda's or cattleya's and would laughingly opt to buy minute seedlings of each because those are what we could only afford.  (We both are also quite stingy that way haha!)  
We would spend hours looking at all the plants. And often, we would have a phase. There was an instance we bought some fruit trees and fruit vines.  At a time it was ornamental plants, then cactuses... then airial, teeny-weeny plants hahaha  I remember how we would always look forward to going to those agri fairs.  We're too excited to know which plants we would want to buy next.  I remember that one last time we had where Rod got enamored with bonsai's and we had to pool our money so we could to buy one.  
Now as I tend to your orchids, Mama, with their yellowed, almost lifeless leaves, surprises me how I seem to just know how to take care of them. I guess you've led me through your heart. I miss you so much.

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