Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Running an extra mile

In some obscure internet cafe
Purok Malakas, Gen. Santos City

Doing some research for my training tomorrow with the Kablon Farmers. Yup, quite late to do some researching huh? Sigh. This is actually, already running an extra mile for my part. I could do without this entrepreneurial test I'm currently researching for. But then again, why am I in this project? Is it to sincerely help or to just earn my monthly wage? Hmm... both.

I'm itching for some quality time to really reflect and write down my thoughts. A lot had happened the past weeks that I feel I need some time for introspection, discovering my feelings... take note of my realizations... But there are a lot of things that has to be done at the workfront... I feel that they have to take priority over other things at the moment.

Tomorrow, I'm off for Kablon again. Would have to wake up real early again... But I don't mind really. I'm really just praying though that everything will turn out okay tomorrow. Not for my sake but for the beneficiaries (to be politically correct, they should be called "partners" really) of the project. I could have been a streetsweeper, a salesgirl or some officer of the bank. But as it is, God placed me in this work. He had entrusted in my care some people's lives... Well, maybe somewhat, indirectly. With what I do it is inevitable that I somewhat touch other people's lives, as they had mine.... And it's a responsibility I could not just take lightly. Although, sometimes, I'm really guilty of letting tiredness get in the way of my doing a real, good job. But I have my source of strength. It just takes some remembering sometimes... Because sometimes I forget....

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