Monday, February 05, 2007


It was probably my worst time ever hehehe The first time I joined a 5K run I clocked in 32:25 which was not bad really. The second time, I clocked in 26:22 which earned me the third place in the women’s category. That was in 2002 at the Emcor Fun Run. After that, my time would run between 25:00 and 29:00. Ah there was a time I clocked in 30:00ish but that was because I had fever then hehehe When Bolo found out (He was in an Island Congress then so was not able to accompany me.), he scolded me no end. He told me there was nothing healthy about it at all. That sobered me up. I realized it defeated the very purpose why I was joining the runs in the first place. I guess it had become sort of a competition again. With myself that is because I was constantly trying to improve on my personal time.

Two to three Sundays ago – I think – I participated again in a fun run after a year of not doing so. Well, August of last year I joined a race and that was even way, way tougher than a 5k run. But anyway, so I did participate in a 5K run again and clocked in my worst time ever :)

Actually, I wasn’t on my own. Ava, an office mate, informed me about the run and urged me to participate with her. And of course, as expected, Bolo joined me.

In the light of my year long “inactivity,” Bolo’s been telling me to take it real slow. He cautioned about me pushing myself again. So I guess I was already somewhat expecting a real low clock time but I guess I did not expect it to be that bad though hehehe I guess I was a bit disappointed especially when I remembered making a 10K run in just a little over that time.

In truth though, I was more grateful for the experience than anything. I felt satisfied I’m up and about again. I’m looking forward to more of the same :)


Carmila said...

Don't tell me I can beat you at 5K! :P I'm clocking aroun 25:00-30:00 as well. Been running a lot lately, well except for this week since I'm in NY and it's too cold! I've done about 160 kms each month.

Tata said...

waaahhh! thanks for the motivation though :) now,more than ever i wanted to reaaaaally improve on my time :)

hehehe actually, Bolo and I waited on Ava. It was her first time and we did not want to leave her while we try to clock in the best time we cud. baka madiscourage hehehe so we sort of alternately ran and walked on our last 2.5 K so she cud catch up on us.

If we did run properly, maybe my time would come between 30:00-35:00 :)

Bolo and I are thinking of going back to our old routine. PTA is undergoing a major construction rin kasi kaya we do not have a good, safe venue for the night runs. But we're looking forward to its new look. park with jogging lane daw ata kasi. with mini rain forest. that's what we heard.

for now bolo and i had to content ourselves with early morning run every chance we get. come march dami na naman runs nyan. im hoping to improve my time. cge, take note or yours and i'll take note of my time then let's compare :) ano to race? hehehe

Pero ang galing mo ha?! 160 km!!! hehehe kainggit :) keep it up though. it sure is fun, isn't it? so uv lost weight na rin? ako im big as a truck! hahaha

Carmila said...

I've lost some weight but I still eat everything in sight.

I'm training for the SF half marathon I'm planning on doing in July and September. A friend of mine was telling me to come join them in the Goofy run in Disney World come Jan. 2008 but I don't think I can do a half marathon one day and a full marathon the next day.