Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Weekend

At 7:45 AM this morning, I was already facing my computer, finishing up the letter I was drafting last night, sending emails and making phone calls. Yep, on a Sunday. I have my misgivings alright, especially when I'm feeling some pain in my abdominals and lower back lately. But I'm not complaining really. I had to do what I had to do. I have just one week to prepare for a training I'm running and there are a still a lot of things that needed to be done.

It does not feel like a weekend at all. Saturday morning I was on a meeting too. In the afternoon I was back to facing the computer and fixing materials and sending e-mails. I capped the night by making online hotel reservations on the hotel for the Legazpi trip I'm taking this month also.

This weekend wasn't just all about working though. Actually, at 3:30 PM earlier, the whole "clan" were already headed to the beach for some bonding time. We had some kinilaw, sinugbang (char-broiled) fish and some meat, and fruit salad. Enjoyed some red wine too and some leftover Cadbury chocolates courtesy of Ate Gaga. At one point I thought wistfully about having some cheese too to go with the wine. But the company and the time spent with family more than made up for the "humble" fare we had.

I also appreciated the experience very much since it gave Baby the excuse to run and play for the entire afternoon. I thought he would still be a bit fearful of the water just as he was over at Canibad but I guess the presence of his other cousins enjoying the water made him want to join in on the fun too. So there he was, rushing to the coming tides and playfully scooping down some water. Several times he fell on his butt but he just continued playing. He sure was having so much fun that I was again sorry to not have a camera at hand. Yeah, it was very much unlike me to not have one. A cousin borrowed it and so I was not able to charge the batteries on time.

After we've cleaned up Baby and have him changed into dry clothes, he behaved for some time while I was feeding him the avocado he loves. I think its a good thing that he likes avocado. He sure could do with some source of fats. His milk being soya, he's pretty lean compared to other babies his age.

Soon after that, there was no containing him. He had a field day chasing after his soccer ball with his cousins even when it had started to get dark. Where they were playing was quite a distance from our cottage but it was surprising how he could find his way back to me on his own even in the dark. I think he took after his Tatay's gift for instant recall when it comes to direction. Thank God he did not take after me who's quite clueless in that aspect. Well, I think we have another "guide" in the making. I reckon, a few years from now and we have another "lagalag" in the making =) I'm not sure whether I ought to look forward to that or be fearful of the prospect hehehe

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