Saturday, January 14, 2023

Saying "Yes" to the Entire Mission

 This was the phrase that struck me in today's gospel.  We're at the weekend house so we had to contend with an online Mass.  We sat through the entire thing patiently though  Forest and Tatay was a bit distracted at first and I had to put my arms around Forest the whole time who responded by snuggling closer.  In Tatay's case, I had to pat and hold his hands whenever he loses concentration.

Today is the Feast of the Child Jesus and a part of me is sorry we are not able to go to the Shrine like we did in the past. The Jesuit one we attended online was not less meaningful though.  And the above phrase is what struck me the most.  Father talked about connection, vulnerability and forgiveness.  He underlined how Jesus could have come to us in a more formidable form -- like that of Goliath -- and just "demanded" repentance from all of us.  Instead, He came as a baby, dependent upon Joseph and Mary to keep Hi safe amidst Herod's persecution.  And why is that?  And so the whole narrative on connection and vulnerability and yes, forgiveness.  But when Father pointed out that Jesus had to rely on Mary having to say "yes" to the entire mission before everything comes to be, I was floored.  I felt the realization flood my entire being.  Physically, it manifested in goosebumps all over and the tears just came without bidding.  

Many questions Mary's importance in our spiritual life and often she is ridiculed for the claim of a virgin birth.  But indeed, nothing would have come to pass -- God's incarnation, apostolic mission, death and resurrection had she lacked the courage to say yes to it all.

I was driven to reflect on how I also conduct my life; how I "direct" my own unfolding.  It's because I had to say "yes" to certain turning points and personal missions.  I might have missed certain points and erred in some decisions but I am firm in my conviction that God had always been a good guide in steering me in the right path.  He is indeed my Shepherd who patiently finds me and meet me wherever I am to point me towards the path I ought to take.  He is also my greatest "even coordinator," orchestrating milestones in ways that He knows I'd find meaning in. 

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