Monday, February 13, 2006

On Faith and Spending Some Time Together

I was praying after receiving Holy Communion in yesterday’s Sunday Mass when I felt B lean to me and whispered, “I love you B. Hurot.” The last word meant, “consumingly.” I could not quite lean back at him to answer him so I just sought out his hand and squeezed it in response.

I remember the instances in the past when I had to argue with him when it comes to attending Sunday Mass. We had been attending regularly since last December but there are still times when I would have to urge him to go hear Mass with me. It’s not always easy and often times I hate the fact that we had to have a discussion over it. In truth, it breaks my heart knowing we don’t quite see eye to eye when it comes to this. I mean, I could take it if we argue about other things, but this?

I have no idea what warranted his “I love you” last night. I’m not sure what went on over his head at that time. I did see him pray though and I knew that he was very much sincere about it. Oh, he had always been sincere when it comes to prayer. In fact, there are times when I would wonder who is more pleasing in God’s eyes – me who’s into the rituals or him who doesn’t care that much about the rituals but is earnest in his prayers. (I am not saying that I’m not earnest though.)

Last Friday, I was beginning to think that we are having progress where our “difference of opinion” in exercising our faith is concerned. Because, he so gamely volunteered to accompany me in going to my community’s prayer meeting. Just in “going to” though since he is resolute about not attending it with me. On our way home after the prayer meeting, we enjoyed some quiet moments together. We even stopped by Jollibee to buy some fries and sundae to munch on our way home. Hmm… come to think of it, that’s the first time we have a few moments all to ourselves. That is, outside of the house ever since our little one came into our lives. There were few instances when he and I had been to the mall but it was always with baby in tow. Last night, it was again just the two of us. It felt very much like when we were still dating which made it really fun :)

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