Saturday, October 14, 2006

Retro-Entry: Holding Baby's Hand

I am very busy. I have tons of report to finish that I brought them even at home. But something happened yesterday with Baby that I wanted to write about…

Baby had a bad case of constipation yesterday. I know, constipation is hardly a “good” subject to write about but mothers who went through the same experience, I’m sure knows where I’m coming from. It’s one of the most horrifying things that could happen to a baby and to the parents too who are witnessing the whole thing.

I sat, stood, rocked back and forth, just to make sure that Baby is comfortable. He is crying so mournfully over my shoulder. I massaged his lower back, smoothen his hair, hug him, plant butterfly kisses all over his face just to make sure he’s feeling the connection. I wanted him to feel that while he may be going through some really unpleasant experience, he is definitely not on his own. Bolo and I agonized along with him. We both felt helpless. We did not know what to do. But we tried to help Baby as much as we could.

It must have pained him so – judging from his whimper and tears – but Baby did not stop pushing at all. All the time he leaned on to me, holding my hand as I held his. Bolo and I would have wanted to consult our Pedia as to what suppository to buy just to relieve Baby of the discomfort when suddenly Baby pushed successfully. It must have taken all of his might because he suddenly grew limp on me. My heart went out to him. My poor Baby. But pretty soon after that, he went back to his old self – happy and smiling.

I was made to think, someday, Baby will be facing hurdles of all sorts. In every stage of his life, there would be moments where he’ll be pained or undergoing some unpleasant experience. I shudder to think about it. I know if such a time would indeed come, it’ll be worse for Bolo and I too. Seeing Baby so pained had really been difficult for both of us. I know try as I might I could not fully protect Baby from pain… Come to think of it too, it’ll be unfair also if I’ll shield him from all of it. Pain is necessary for one’s growth. It is through it that one shapes his or her character… One thing is sure though, Bolo and I both realized Baby continued pushing even if it was too painful for him because he felt both our support… The experience taught us the lesson that though we may not be able to shield Baby from pain, we could still be there for him to lend a hand… and help him through the experience… Bolo and I are praying that we could be good parents to our son. We pray for wisdom and fortitude that we may be able to take good care of the life that God had entrusted in our care…

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