Friday, October 20, 2006

Retro-Entry: On Books

October 19, 2006
10:00 P.M.

I'm actually happy today. We just came in from outside. I'm happy because we were able to buy some books for Baby earlier. We bought two -- A Bible Pop-Up Book on Noah and Bright and Early Books' "The Ear Book." (Baby already has his Dr. Seuss' The Foot Book) It's amazing really how the excitement I'm feeling at the moment is the same as I have always felt in the past whenever I was able to buy some really good books for myself.

I remember being over the moon when I finally managed to buy Coelho's "By the River Piedra..." I was crazy over Coelho long before the multitudes have discovered him so finding his books were quite a feat in those days. So finding one then definitely tops it for me. I could even picture myself smiling from ear to ear as I clutched the book close to me... Must have looked crazy to others at that time hehehe

I felt happy earlier as I read to Baby the Ear Book and see him nodding his head to the rythm I'm creating. Haaay I swear by "Bright and Early"... (Especially Dr. Seuss') The words are arranged in such a manner that they sound so good in one's ear... and most especially to Babies' also, judging from how Baby responds to the words he's hearing...

We actually went out to fix Bolo and Baby's plane ticket for Cebu. After that we grabbed some bite at Evergreen's Vege Kiosk (Baby is getting adept at eating Tofu hehehe) and decided to go home. When we passed by the Book Sale area, I knew I would have to do some browsing. This time, not for myself but for Baby. (Yeah, it's like that these days, not for myself.. almost always for Baby's).

I asked the attendant if they have any Dr. Seuss books and he told me down pat he doesn't know and that he had never seen one. Hmm... I could write another entry on how bookstore owners should hire attendants who love and breathe books. It's practically annoying to get answers like that you know...

Anyway, we already paid for the Pop-Up Book when I asked the cashier again if they have any Dr. Seuss and viola! She pointed me to the right direction. I knew we hardly had any spare money left but I went over to the section just the same and leafed through the book almost in reverence... The longing must have been written all over my face because when I started to walk away, Bee called me back and told me he had extra cash and could spare me the money I needed to buy the book. I could almost hug him right then and there. And so we bought the book. And I knew I must have grinned from ear to ear then and probably looked foolish but I couldn't care less. I was already looking forward to spending some reading moments with Baby. And we did have such moment earlier. I guess what really made me happy was knowing Bee appreciate the value of books also and share my desire to introduce my passion for it to our son...

I know it all really boils down to Baby's wanting to read or not when he's finally grown up. For sure, I wouldn't be forcing books down his throat if he doesn't want one. All I could do for the moment is to spend time with him and to share my passion for reading...

I love my son and I would love for him to grow up to have a passion for learning as much as I do. But, I could not force him to do things he might not have an interest for... I could only introduce to him the things I want to do... what my values are... and what I find worthwhile... It's up to him to pick up whatever suits him... But one thing's for sure though, I couldn't wait to get to know the person my son would turn out to be. I would love to know about the things he would value and what his preferences would be... But that could wait. For now, we could only hug him, spend time with him, cuddle him and show him how much we love him... Love you much Baby Bolo.


Anonymous said...

I gotta check out that book. Is it fiction or non-fiction?

Tata said...

Which book? Coelho's it's fiction :)