Monday, November 19, 2007

The Concert

I was surreptiously throwing Bolo side glances trying to gauge whether he's getting bored, annoyed or settling in well as I prayed he would...

It's been a long time since he and I have been to a concert. That fact did not quite sit well with me considering how we both make it a point to watch at least one major concert every year.

Last Friday, we finally did. It was Baby's birthday week. That week too, I had a deadline at work that I could not just set aside so planning for Baby's birthday party was delegated to Friday.

The concert was set for two nights -- Friday and Saturday. Watching the Saturday show was definitely not a good idea with Baby's birthday being the next day. Specially so, since we still needed to see to a lot of things -- Baby's bag of goodies ("loot" bag doesn't sound good to me hehe), the food that had to be prepared, the cake, the games, having to buy the grocery stuff needed, etc., etc.

It took a while for me to convince Bolo to watch the concert with me. The first time I broached the subject, he was noncommital. I knew he did not want to go at all and is only avoiding a possible argument that his refusal may cause.

It did not come easy but in the end we did go. It was Steve Kuban's. And as glaring as that can be, I knew it was not Bolo's cup of tea. But when he stood and danced along with me in the middle of the concert, I felt my heart expand.

My family is important to me. My relationship with my husband is important to me. But my faith is important to me as well. It is the very thing that keeps me sane and centered as I try to work things out in every aspect of my life... So it is very important to me that both really jive well. I'm glad that on that Friday evening, it did.

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