Sunday, December 17, 2006

Simbang Gabi

Yeah, it's that time of the year again. Earlier Bolo, NC and I went to hear misa de gallo at the Ateneo. Of course :) Ever since college, I never really stopped going. Ah, except last year that is since I recently had given birth to Baby then. I remember feeling a bit empty last year for that reason alone. I guess it felt pretty weird not doing something you've consistently done for the past 10 years? Is it that long already? Hmm... perhaps even longer considering hearing misa de gallo at the ateneo had been a "habit" since first year college.

This morning, I got a bit of a shock to see the signs of age on Fr. Ocampo. Well, I've been hearing Mass on and off at the Ateneo and everytime I see Fr. Bob and the other jesuits of my college years with their age telling, I still get a bit of a shock. Which is weird really. I mean, why be shocked? Of course everybody ages. What was I thinking then? Everything will remain the way as it used to be?

Remain huh? Who am I kidding? Even the "old" campus is no longer the same. There's the imposing Finster Building to begin with, part of which was built on the old tennis court which figured largely on our first year in college. It was where we usually hang out during lunch breaks. I remember it's where Sean, Alex and I would talk about music on end, swap tapes... hehehe CDs were not even the "in" thing yet at that time hahaha

But ah, it felt good to be hearing dawn mass at the Ateneo again. Half the time I was expecting Alav would be turning up, or Nilo... Chris... Rex... Analyn.. Michael Hervas... the old gang who went to those masses those full four years... Those were the days and it had been really fun...

Back to the Finster building.. I'm not "begrudging" it in any way though. I am one of those who truly admired Fr. Finster when he was yet alive. He was one of those who had touched my life in so many ways. Him and his favorite song, "The Impossible Dream" had come to mean a lot of things to me. It had greatly influenced some of my choices back then. I think it is but just fitting that a whole building is named in his honor. It's just a bit sad though noting that what used to be a memorable place was obliterated to make way for some changes...

Well, I guess that's what life really is. Nothing ever really remains the same... Sometimes, even one's sentimentality could not prevent the changes to take place no matter how one desperately tries to hold on to the past...

Oh well, tennis court or not, I could still distinctly remember some of the moments we had had in Ateneo. I guess buildings, landmarks could indeed come and go... but memories live forever in one's heart. Somehow that's a comforting thought :)

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