Sunday, December 31, 2006

Vegetarian Pasta, Anyone?

Bah! Guess how Bolo and I spent the 24th of December? Cooking, that's what! :) Nope, not for our own consumption!

Long before Christmas is due, I've already decide that we will just buy some cake, wine,and probably cook a little pasta if we are in the mood for it. It turned out, we got six kilos -- yup, six! -- of pasta orders. So Bolo and I practically did not sleep on the eve of the twenty-third just to get started on the project.

Vegetarian pasta -- well at least the kind that Bolo and I love to prepare -- is a very tedious job. This is so since we prepare the sauce from scratch. We make use of fresh , ripe tomatoes. In order to translate that into sauce for the pasta, one has to boil it in water for sometime, peel the tomatoes and run it through the food processor.

To make it more delicious, 1 kilo of pasta is equal to 2 and a half kilo of tomatoes. So given 6 kilos of pasta... you do the math and you could imagine how much work goes into preparing everything. And boiling the tomatoes is just but the first step in the entire process of coming up with the sauce.

Hmm... I'm not complaining though. In fact Bolo and I had fun preparing the whole thing. I felt excited about the whole project when the orders came in. Part of it is because we're earning from it. It is extra income and of course that is always welcome. The real reason for the excitement though was the shot at "advocacy" the project is providing me. It felt good knowing that some households will be eating meatless pasta because they will be having vegetarian pasta instead. That I saw Bolo real excited and pleased with himself at having cooked something really delicious (they all say so hehehe) is also an added bonus for me. It was fun seeing his beaming, albeit tired face.

But it sure was stressful though hehehe We've been cooking the pasta for several times now that we feel that we could do it in our sleep. We were not able to anticipate though that 6 kilos is 6 kilos. It meant roughly 15 kilos plus of fresh tomatoes. Even if we hardly had any sleep from the night before, it wasn't enough to make it to Dane's 9 a.m. deadline. (Sorry, Dane hehehe) We sort of wrapped up everything at around 11:00 a.m. Every time Dane would ask us if we're already through, I feel as if my blood pressure would shot up hehehe But we survived it fine and was pretty satisfied with the outcome.


Anonymous said...

aslum na xa? i'm used to having pasta with parmesan cheese...pkitry ra ana, pwd ngayo recipe? and oh by the way, whatever you cook it will always be delicious so long as it's done with passion and cooked with love--sakto ba? heheh btw, i like pasta with mushrooms heheh that's what we always do at home also. try ko ana imo recipe te 1/4 kilo for my consumption only hahahha surely kulang ra! ---gladys belle =)

Tata said...

Ah dili siya aslum :) because the recipe actually is basil and tomato pasta. The basil in the sauce evens out the taste. plus there's pepper too and sesame oil :) and we use parmesan in the sauce too, aside from topping the finished product with it :)

for garnish, we also put on top cherry tomatoes filled with parmesan cheese and sprinkled with Italian seasoning and basil :) a vegetarian friend recently told me that for cocktails, she makes use of cherry tomatoes filled with parmesan, brushed with sesame oil and then baked. I think I will try that some time :)

I'll email you the recipe since it's top secret ;) wink, wink haha! but you're right about cooking with passion. For your kuya and I, it has become a habit to cook while Mozart is blaring in the background haha!

Daghan kaayo ek-ek, but it sets us in the mood and makes sure we are bringin in the right energy to the cooking :) I'm beginning to think that must be our secret ingredient to the recipe actually hehe

btw, i updated our family blog with some of the christmas pictures ate gaga sent me. Do visit it. I hope to find the time to scan some of the b&w pictures that mama and mama fely has lying around here somewhere. it would be good to post them some time. ah, I'm praying for the time to do it.

I would very much want the rest of the family to make it a habit to look at the blog when they're using the internet. From aunty asun to ur other cousins.. and the rest who are already abroad. I think it's high time we think about our heritage hehehe

Can you send me Oyie and Jam's email so i cud invite them to be contributors too? feel free to make an entry ha? be it your thoughts or pictures,whatever :) it is for everybody anyway :) and can u invite our other close relatives to view it? like emma. i think i lost her email add :)

hehehe i just wondered if they would find it worthwhile to visit it hehehe


p.s. I have another pasta recipe that's a former favorite -- spicy tuna pasta :) will also email u the recipe :) we've done mushroom for a while so medyo nagsawa na hahaha