Thursday, January 27, 2005

And so we broke up.

For a long time, I couldn't write anything else but the above title. I don't know what to think or feel for that matter. It's as if my whole body grew numb I couldn't even begin to think of the pain. I'm thinking, "THIS is a painful experience!" and I know underneath this numbness is a pain so raw that I couldn't begin to think about it. I feel as if my whole body just switched into "automatic shutdown." It's as if my body suspended everything in anticipation for the pain it is about to feel...

It's funny really, it's as if my mind and body are having some kind of a debate of sorts... My head is saying, "Hey, feel something! This is supposed to be painful!" And yet my body just refuse to respond...

Ah... now I feel it... Pain. So raw. In waves, washing over me...


Amy said...

buy some chocolates for yourself...and rent some dvd's like comedy/action not love ones...yeah hope you feel better

Tata said...

haha that's right :) thanks... we're okay now though :)