Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Loving is like dancing

Ah... love. I have yet much to learn where this is concerned. I have yet to learn how not to hold it too tightly... to have less expectations... I'm usually a fast-learner but where this is concerned, I take a step forward then move back two steps...

I have yet to perfect my steps. But I'm there. I know I'm getting there. Only, if I'll keep my mind open all the time, keep remembering I'm here to learn a few lessons about loving.

Loving... dance... Loving is like dancing really. It has its own rythm, its own beat... As for the steps required, I have yet to "perfect" my skills on that. Upto now, I still fumble and miss a few steps here and there. Sometimes, I hurt myself in the process -- I step on my own toes, or on the other's toes... I don't know which of the two really hurts the most...

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